Coastal Plain Sea-Level Rise

Full Title

The effects of sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion on wetland nutrient transport and vegetation dynamics in the North American Coastal Plain


This planning workshop will bring together a small group of scholars to refine the scope of their original workshop proposal. Their project will develop a unified conceptual model of the effects of sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion in agricultural land with an emphasis on changes in nutrient availability, water quality and wetland habitats. The intent is to bring together researchers from multiple programs working on this issue in the Mid-Atlantic and to use the resulting conceptual model to provide users from multiple institutions with information relevant to decision making.

Project Type
Team Synthesis Project
Principal Investigators
Danielle Weissman
Keryn Gedan, George Washington University
Kate Tully, University of Maryland
Scott Neubauer, Virginia Commonwealth University
Todd BenDor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Thomas Jordan, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
John Kominoski, Florida International University
Emily Ury, Duke University
Emily Bernhardt, Duke University
Molly Roggero, William and Mary College
Aaron Strong, University of Maine
Nathaniel Weston, Villanova University
Chris Miller, USDA-NRCS, Cape May Plant Materials Center